Tag Archives: poetry

Assorted News

I have not updated my blog since last year, a much larger break then usual. However it has been an eventful year so far. I have had more dental work then I care to recount. More importantly I am teaching … Continue reading

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Unsubstantial Poetry and Academia

What I am planning to write about is something I have not entirely figured out. I say this as a person who has many outspoken opinions on differing things: backpacking (good – just not in Europe), ketchup (disgusting), bacon (delicious), … Continue reading

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W.H. Auden

“May I, composed like them Of Eros and of dust, Beleaguered by the same Negation and despair, show an affirming flame” September 1st, 1939 – W.H. Auden The above excerpt was from the poem that initially drew me to Auden’s … Continue reading

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To MFA, or not to MFA?

I have a Masters of Fine Arts degree in Creative Writing from Sarah Lawrence College. I loved Sarah Lawrence. The Professors truly helped me improve and explore as a writer. I used my degree to start down a career path … Continue reading

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Victims Of Ted Bundy: The Chapbook

The chapbooks are officially for sale here! I could not be more excited. They just arrived in the mail on Monday. You should go here and buy one! Or send the link to someone who might be interested. If you … Continue reading

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On Research

As an undergraduate I studied history and classical civilizations. I focused on roman culture and the World Wars. I did not like researching particularly. Although It was something I found myself doing frequently. Of course as a voracious reader I … Continue reading

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Prose for Poet’s (Part 1)

Even as a child, I read a lot, averaging about a book a day. Now the books I read tend to be much longer and since my time is more limited, I usually read about a hundred books a year. … Continue reading

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Writerly Routines

When I first started writing, I will sadly admit that the bulk of my poetry was written in class, usually in Computer Science, History, or Math. I wrote in small font in the margins discretely, then if I liked it … Continue reading

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Where to Submit?

With so many journals out there it is often hard to find the right place to submit your work. It is easy to become paralyzed by the options. My method for choosing journals is in no way perfect, but perhaps … Continue reading

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Writing is arduous. Anyone who tells you otherwise, does not edit. Lately I feel as if all I am doing is editing. In the last two months I edited my novel, my novel in verse, and currently I am editing … Continue reading

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