Spontaneous Poetry Marathon


So I have decided to do a Poetry Marathon tomorrow. If you want to read about all the time I spent preparing for the last one you can follow this link. If you want to know how much time I spent preparing for this I will tell you now – all thirty minutes it took me to write this post.

But it goes without saying that deciding to do any kind of Marathon last minute is a little crazy, particularly one that involves 24 hours and 24 poems (1 poem per hour – no rushing).

I have had a lot of work lately and a lot of stress. I currently have a sore throat. This is not the ideal timing at all, at least in terms of the practical. But a lot of ideas have been percolating in me lately. I have had this urge, this surprising urge, to do the marathon again, because it gets at ideas and thoughts that are not unearthed under normal circumstances. The poems I wrote two summers ago now, are some of my strongest strangest poems. Many have been published since then, over half in fact.

Also, if I do not do the Poetry Marathon tomorrow, I will not have enough time to even attempt a Marathon again until the 13th of July. I do not want to have to wait that long.

Now Jacob & I are planning a proper Poetry Marathon in August, but I am ready to do  this now. In part that is so that if others need my help in August, I can be a volunteer rather than a participant.

So if you want to follow my progress through this Marathon you can check for updates on this blog. Each hour I will upload a new post and a new poem, starting at 5 am (wince) tomorrow morning, PST. Each poem with be at least 22 lines long to begin with, although I can edit them down before posting them.

The poems will stay up on the website for a week before I remove them all at once in order to edit, revise, and eventually (hopefully) submit them.

Also, let this be a small piece of inspiration towards possibly committing to the August Poetry Marathon.

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